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Corner Kitchen - Asheville, North Carolina

Corner kitchen, located in Asheville North Carolina’s Biltmore village, is known for its dedication to locality. From farm-to-table ingredients to supporting local non-profit organizations, Corner Kitchen believes in social responsibility. Chef Joe Scully and Asheville native Kevin Westmoreland opened the restaurant inside a 109 year old house that was built in the Biltmore Village in 1895. George Washington Biltmore commissioned Frederic Law Olmstead, a landscape architect and designer of New York’s Central Park, to design this charming and quaint neighborhood.

The location of the restaurant has a lot of historical significance of the Bitlmore family legacy, which attracts at least 1 million visitors each year, even well renowned ones. In April 2010, Barack and Michelle Obama dined at the corner kitchen.

The President and his entourage enjoyed many things on the menu including, corn and crab chowder, fried Oyster appetizer, pork chops, and souffle.

The Corner Kitchen menu is crafted on seasonal produce and showcases products from local sources, which are distinctly displayed on their menu. These local sources include Hickory Nut Gap Farm, Trout Farms, Mountain Foods, and various others.

“We always strive to partner with local farmers, makers, and producers to contribute to a circular economy.” - Corner Kitchen

Corner Kitchen is accredited with sustainability certifications to showcase their commitment to social responsibility. These certifications include the Green Restaurant, ASAP Local Food Research Center, and Living Wage.

Corner Kitchen is committed to the environment and community just as much as the food. The restaurant is dedicated to the environment by eliminating food waste through its composting program and developed a comprehensive recycling program.

The restaurant supports organizations that relate to food, children, the local economy, and the environment, which include Manna FoodBank, Eliada Homes, Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy, and Asheville Community Theater. The restaurant also donates a portion of dessert sales to local non-profits such as North Carolina Outward Bound and Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy. In addition to supporting the Asheville community, the employees at Corner Kitchen make a living wage, have access to healthcare plans and PTO, which is rare in the restaurant industry.

If you want to support local, be immersed in history, and eat like the Obamas, start with Corner Kitchen. Logo
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